The situation surrounding coronavirus (COVID-19) is continually evolving. NCRPA is following the guidance issued by Governor Newsom and the California Department of Public Health. We are canceling our events and classes thru the month of June.


We have just added “Guidance for Dealing with COVID-19” to our new library of White Papers. We have compiled a variety of resources and put them in one document that will be updated regularly as information, guidance, and resources continue to evolve. NCRPA members can access this by logging into the portal. Fill out the form on this page to download a FREE copy of our complete White paper.


Federal Resources

State Resources

For Local Resources by County.
Please complete the form on this page to get access to our White Paper “Guidance for Dealing with COVID-19”. NCRPA members can access this after logging into the portal from the online bookstore.

NAA Coronavirus Micro-Webinars


We will be offering virtual meetings going forward for all committee meetings and we are exploring doing the same for classes. If you are currently registered for upcoming classes, please look for an email with additional instructions for your class or bookmark this page for NCRPA updates.


NCRPA has decided to cancel this season’s Region X Maintenance Mania competition for both the Sacramento and Fresno locations. The National Apartment Association has informed us that they will be opening up registrations for their affiliates to secure dates for next season’s 2020/2021 Maintenance Mania, which will begin September 1, 2020 thru April 30, 2021. Our hope is to secure a date for Sacramento in late September and Fresno in early April of 2021. Please keep watch for further member emails with further information.

Further Communications

NCRPA continues to send email updates on COVID-19 to our members to keep you updated on local regulations, best practices, and resources during this trying time. If you are a current member and do not receive our emails, please email us your request to .

The information provided herein is general in nature and is not intended to be legal advice. It is designed to assist our members in understanding this issue area, but it is not intended to address specific circumstances or business situations. For specific legal advice, consult your attorney.

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